Posts Tagged ‘karaoke venue


“Photographs and Memories”

Check out the photos from the Gnomedex/Seattle Geek Week TechKaraoke Seattle event at Hula Hula on 8/20. Thank you to the amazing Lawrence Leung ( for the fantastic photos!

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What Happened at Wingmasters Stays Here… Maybe.

A recap of TechKaraoke Seattle May 2010, by Jodi Kogan

It’s funny how many different social media events there are to choose from these days.  And of course the common thread is putting the social in social media.  It’s pretty important to connect face-to-face in a digital world, and events like TechKaraoke Seattle help folks do just that.

May 13th brought another TechKaraoke Seattle gathering, this time in Ballard at Wingmasters.  I’ve been to Wingmasters before on a Thursday – the $4 burgers and other specials are definitely reasons to stop in.  But for karaoke fiends like myself, what really makes it worthwhile is Thursday karaoke night with Josh (@KJLymes), who’s a great host, and there’s a huge collection of songs to choose from.

There was an amazing turnout, including some familiar faces from the last TechKaraoke Seattle event, like Karianne Stinson (@Karianne), who did an amazing job organizing the event and is also an awesome singer, Jeff Croft (@jcroft), Cassie Wallender (@firewallender), and Jim England (@woodaddy).  This was my first TechKaraoke Seattle event, and some other new folks making an appearance were Brian Crouch (@briancrouch), who tried a bit of Robert Palmer karaoke, Jay Hathaway (@strutting) and Alix Han (@alixito), who each bring amazing energy to their performances, and Robert Abiera (@robert4u), certainly no stranger to karaoke.

It was great to see so many new and familiar faces putting the social in social media!  Looking forward to June’s event, which should be announced shortly.

Until next time!

– Jodi (@jodijodijodi)


Rate Wingmasters as a TechKaraoke Venue

What do you think of Wingmasters in Ballard as a venue for TechKaraoke? Let us know!

“Please, please, please”

Karianne, Kathryn, Nobu and Alix rocking some Annie!

Listen up, rockstars. I know geeks are given a bad rap in the social skills area, but we know that’s BS. However, I just read a post on karaoke etiquette and thought I would impart my thoughts on how to be a kickass karaoker!

1. Be an engaged audience– If you’re in a karaoke bar, you better be ready to hear some karaoke singing! If you aren’t up for that, move on to the next watering hole, or at least find a spot away from the stage.

2. Applaud– It’s tough to get up there, show your support and cheer on the singer! If they were the worst singer ever, applaud that it’s done! 🙂

3. No booing or heckling This goes along with the last one, and I promise you karaoke is a lot more fun if everyone is nice and supportive! (If you must heckle your friends, do it on BarStar!

4. Wait your turn– Everyone get’s their chance, so don’t jump on stage and start singing with someone unless you’re invited!

5. Don’t scream in the mic– Seriously folks, WE HEAR YOU! No need to yell INTO the mic!

6. Be kind to the equipment– Karaoke equipment ain’t cheap! Do not throw the mic, drop the mic, spill beer on the mic, hit the mic (my personal pet peeve)… you get the idea!

7. Support your KJ– Karaoke hosts are there to make your night more enjoyable, so be kind to them! You should also tip them! (hint, the more money they make, the more music they will buy!)

8. Don’t be THAT guy/girl– Hey, karaoke usually involves drinking. I get it. And I’ve certainly had a few too many once or twice in my life, as most of us have… but that drunk in the bar on karaoke night is annoying and a buzzkill. Have fun!… just not TOO MUCH fun! 😉

9. Be patient– Often karaoke night is a popular night at the bar, singer rotations can be 20-30 people or more. You may not get to sing 10 times, but you’ll have one hell of a night! Just sit back, relax and enjoy!

10. Have fun!– Seriously kids, karaoke is all about having a good time! So enjoy yourself! Sing songs you like that everyone can enjoy! Hang out with your friends, make some new friends, enjoy some beverages and keep rockin’!

What are your karaoke tips or rules? Drop us a comment and let us know!



Rate Hula Hula as a TechKaraoke Venue

Next TechKaraoke Seattle Event:

Thursday, April 14
8:30 PM,
Roosevelt Ale House

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